Thursday, October 31, 2019
Music and Mind Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Music and Mind - Essay Example The infographic laid out on two axes. The horizontal axis is representing the time of the chronological events that had occurred in one day and the vertical axis is portraying the content of the event in four categories. There are vertical bars placed in each time slot, which contains each contents icon in segments. Every segment is color coordinated according to the content of the event. All the icons placed in the vertical bar show a visual representation of the activity, location and nature of the event. The experience has indeed brought to light the extent to which I am exposed to music in different aspects of life. For instance, as I listened to gospel uplifting songs in the morning as I took a shower, checked my emails and took breakfast, the uplifting music inspired me to take the day on a positive note. However, I had a different experience at 11.30 am as I listened to a catchy song albeit I could not understand the lyrics. Although I was walking the dog at this time, I found interesting music can actually be a distraction as I tried to multitask between listening to music, walking the dog, and watching out for passing vehicles and people. A sad song at midday suddenly brought sad moods to me as the same song was played at my best friendââ¬â¢s funeral a few years back. It is important to note how brain can store good and bad memories and retain a strong association with music (Meyer, 2008). Between 12.30 and 1.00 pm, I did not experience any form of music. However, I noted that lack of music actually helped me concentrate on a magazine I was reading during this time. At 1.30 pm, I overheard music from a class as I passed by a learning institution. Although the music was not interesting, it reminded me of good old days when we would recite the alphabet using songs in kindergarten. At this point, I came to reckon that music can be used to enhance the brain to understand
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Reflections on Perception of Reality Essay Example for Free
Reflections on Perception of Reality Essay I have always believed in what I saw, what I heard, and what I experienced. As these elements play a significant role of perceiving the world around me, it is very hard to distrust the reality. However, it was not a long ago that I began to ponder about this issue more profoundly. What do I really perceive? Could I precisely explain our perception without the help of science? As I spend more time thinking about this fascinating issue, I realized that it is necessary to analyze how the nature of perceptual experience relates to reality, and to science. The problems of perception do not only lie on the subject of metaphysics but also on the context of epistemology. Discussing broad philosophical positions about the nature of perceptual experience is the first step to form my own perspective on perception. Identifying and comparing reasonable interpretations and support of various assertions is therefore a key to successfully solidifying my argument. I would like to begin by introducing my ideas on perceiving the world that I am currently living in. In my opinion, my perception towards the world would depend on how to deal with apparently obvious truths about my experience of the world with the possibility of particular types of perceptual errors. Although I make myself open to the reality, this fact of openness is sometimes frightened by the existence of certain illusions. For this reason, philosophical hypothesis of perception needs to respond to this threat by providing an account of perception that preserves central and significant features of perception. Materialism argues that there exists some order of reality that is independent of the human mind, consciousness, and perception. According to materialism, there is a real material world, which consists of matter and energy and obeys some natural laws independent of human mind. As far as I understand, this epistemological materialism argues that logical experience does not contain a theory about what reality is, but rather about how we should treat reality. This epistemological materialism argues that all statements should be meaningful, and that in order to be meaningful a statement should be testable and verifiable, carving away metaphysics. Testable statements must then refer to scientific properties if observers are to agree. Therefore, statements of mind, reflecting internal feelings, thoughts, and motives are meaningless unless they display some physical change or behavior. Materialism seems to offer a simple and efficient perspective on reality, which indeed appears to be in agreement with our experience and observations. Moreover, materialism also seems to be the only metaphysics most consistent with scientific knowledge. But if the materialism was clearly to be true, the world would be without purpose and my life would be absolutely meaningless. Both being a moral human through free will and taking responsibilities for immoral actions would be delusion. This is certainly not the case for all of us. We, as human beings, strive to give meanings and purposes to our lives. Idealism, on the other hand, argues that there is no order of reality independent of human minds and morality. It gives supreme power to minds over other physical values such as body. Material substances would have no existence independent of mind, or while existing, this reality may exhibit human values and morality. It may also be true that realityââ¬â¢s basic nature could be mind in that our apprehension of reality is more determined by mind than matter. Most idealists believe that there is a fundamental unity to the world which is simply greater than the sum of its parts. However, I think that there is a close connection between the existence of our morality and the universe as our values imply something more to the universe than just matter, laws, and physical substances. I might have become the unique outgrowth through physical processes, and my mind could still qualitatively differ. My mind may be self-actualizing while the rest of nature and reality could be still the realm of matter. The reality therefore would be able to contain mind and matter at the same time. I would also like to underline the importance of the nature of knowledge. We need to acknowledge that our sensory knowledge is in fact imperfect as not everyone has exactly the same perceptions and impressions of external reality. We are truly chained to our bodies and could only appreciate certitudes in the privacy of our minds. Hence, I believe that our knowledge and perceptions of reality could never be perfect. Beyond what we could know, reality may still consist of physical interpretations. Constructionism argues that perceptual experiences consist of representations that are constructed by the mind that express external reality. And perceptual experiences both involve objective from the world and subject material supplied by mind. In other words, my perceptual visions are being constructed and my experience contains the representations of that reality. Basically constructionism is the result of compromise between materialism and idealism. As the major focus of constructionism is to unveil the ways in which individuals behave to form the creation of their perceived reality, it involves looking at the ways the world is being created and shaped into reality. For this reason, I believe that reality could be seen as a continuous and dynamic process while it is reproduced by human beings acting on our interpretations and knowledge. My belief is closely in line with this view of constructionism. I think that everyone tends to interpret and construct a reality based on his or her experiences and interactions with circumstances. Although the world outside our minds is considered to be objective and material, it may still be perceived subjectively by us, depending upon different values and morals each one of us holds. The discussion of the nature of reality and its perception, however, does not end here. It is crucial to look at this issue from a different point of view; epistemology dimension. There exist two extreme arguments for describing the nature of knowledge linked to the perceptual experiences. Positive science, which is based on materialism, explains that the only true knowledge one could learn about the nature of reality is primarily dependent on science which provides objective knowledge. But this view does not fully explain the nature of knowledge. Intuitionism, which is based on idealism, asserts that there are different forms of knowledge that the mind has access to. Therefore, no empirical investigation is actually necessary. We could hardly distinguish above two different ideas about the nature of knowledge as they are closely linked to each other. In my opinion, science is used to prove and validate our intuitionism by showing the actual models and data. They both then provide us with a sense of justification for the nature of knowledge. Realizing that there are different philosophical positions about the nature of perceptual experience and its relation to reality, and to science is essential to successfully understanding the nature of reality and knowledge. We have discussed interpretations and critique of the fundamental beliefs that explain the relationship between perception and reality. As we know, it is not easy to simply conclude which theory is the most powerful in explaining such a complicated subject. I believe, however, that the constructionism is the most plausible theory that holds valid argument along with the combination of positive science and intuitionism. How we perceive the reality not only depends on the physical world and materials but also on the experience and morals we retain. Scientific data and methods as well as intuitionism and insight do play a significant role in supporting the conceptual space produced by broad philosophical positions. Because perception is a dynamic dispute between the attempts of the world to impose a reality and our efforts to transform this reality into our own perspective, it is important for us to develop our own perspective gradually. Thus, my initial position towards the nature of reality and science may still change and later shape a new theory as we go through more studies and discussions in the course of psychology.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The importance of geometry
The importance of geometry This chapter includes the importance of geometry and the importance of learning how to solve traditional word problems by students in school mathematics. The concerns of mathematics education stakeholders about word problem solving based on national and international assessments and the suggestions provided by researchers and educators to improve students performance when solving word problems are also reviewed. The theories and empirical studies that focus on comprehension, representation, and solution of word problems are summarized. Although using mathematics, and in particular geometry, to model situations from work places has been part of education for centuries, the review of the literature starts with the beginning of the late nineteenth century, with the exception of Renà © Descartes (1596-1650) doctrine of problem solving (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1983). The review includes recommendations from important publications that inform mathematics education. Research-based theoretical and conceptual frameworks that support the solution process of mathematics word problems are used to develop a research hypothesis for examination in this study. Problem Solving and Solving Word Problems Some mathematics educators and researchers believe that a problem lies as an obstruction between two ends, the problem and the solution, without any clearly defined ways to traverse (Brownell, 1942; Mayer, 1985; Polya, 1980). This definition may also be applied to word problems because many researchers include math word problems in problem solving research (Kilpatrick, 1985). The logic behind this definition can be traced back to Renà © Descartes (1596-1650) philosophy which suggests that method is necessary to uncover the truth of nature. The following excerpt from Encyclopedia Britannica (1983) on Descartes Discourse on Method is worth mentioning as part of his doctrine of problem solvingà [1]à [The Discourse] is a philosophical classic. [It] hides the fundamental assertion that the human mind is basically sound and the only means of attaining truth à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ never to accept anything as true which I [you] did not clearly and distinctly see to be so. Descartes thus implies the rejection of all accepted ideas and opinions, the determination to doubt until convinced of the contrary by self-evident facts. The second rule is an instruction to analyze the problem to be solved. Once cleared of its prejudices, the mind, using the example set by mathematicians, must divide each of the difficulties under e xamination into as many parts as possible; that is, discover what is relevant to the problem and reduce it as far as possible to its simplest data. The third rule is to conduct my thoughts in order, beginning with objects that are the simplest and easiest to know and so proceed, gradually, to knowledge of the more complex. The fourth rule is a warning to recapitulate the chains of reasoning to be certain that there are no omissions. These simple rules are not to be considered a mere automatic formula; they are to be regarded as a mental discipline, based on the example of mathematical practice. (p. 600) Schoenfeld (1987) summarized the four phases of Descartes problem solving plan. The idea in phase I is to reduce an algebra problem to a single variable equation for solving. Phase II suggests reducing a mathematics problem to an algebra problem and solving it according to phase I. In phase III, any problem situation is converted to a mathematics problem by mathematizing. In phase IV , the problem is then solved using the ideas in phase I and II. In two of his many rules (rules XIV and XV), Descartes suggested the drawing of diagrams as an aid to solving problems (pp. 29-36). It is noted from the above excerpt of Descartes problem solving process that a problem should be broken down to its parts before attempting to solve it. Each part should also be understood separately. For example, a word problem can usually be solved if one can understand the words (vocabulary), their meaning, their interconnection, the objects they represent, and the relevance of those objects in the problem. Solving a word problem is also sometimes referred to as problem solving. According to Branca (1987), problem solving is an alternative meaning of applying mathematics to different circumstances (p. 72). That means if a situation is explained in words, or in a word problem, then applying mathematics as a tool to solve that problem situation may be treated as problem solving. Also, Brow n, Cronin, and McEntire (1994) stated that assessment on word problems has different names, including math reasoning, problem solving, word problems, as well as story problems (p. 32). Although word problems have been extensively used in problem solving research, the similarity and differences between word problems and problem solving should be clarified. A word problem is also a problem to solve, according to the definitions previously mentioned. Many educators think solving word problems require the problem solving skills. For this dissertation, word problems will refer to problems of the type that appear in standardized assessments and tests such as the NAEP, the New Jersey HSPA, the SAT, and the ACT. They are not problems related to everyday human life without unstated facts where students have to wander, collect facts for mathematizing the situation before solving them. The problems in this study can be attempted using general heuristics (Polya, 1945; Schoenfeld, 1985), as well as through the application of Descartes problem solving principle and other methods based on Descartes philosophy. According to Kilpatrick (1987), in recent years, some researchers in mathematics education have used problems with increasing level of difficulty and learning opportunity that require the novel combination of rules and reasoning. A few similar problems were used in this research. (See Appendix K for sample problems) However, these problems are infrequently found outside of tests or class assignments. Solving Word Problems: A Goal of Mathematics Education Learning to solve problems is the principal reason of studying mathematics (National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics, 1977, p. 2). The NCTM (Krulik Reys, 1980) also suggested that problem solving be regarded as the major goal of learning school mathematics from 1980 to 1989 and repeated that recommendation more recently (NCTM, 2000). Mathematics accomplishment of students, which includes problem solving, became a major concern in the U. S. with the release of A Nation at Risk (U. S. Department of Education, 1983). This publication recommended focusing on the teaching of geometric and algebraic concepts and real-life importance of mathematics in solving problems. The low word problem solving ability of U.S. students of 9, 13, and 17 years of age was verified by the first data from the NAEP conducted in 1973. While analyzing the results of that assessment, Carpenter, Coburn, Reys, and Wilson (1976) concluded: It is most disturbing to ascertain the suggestion that many students receive very little opportunity to learn to solve world problems. The assessment results are so poor, however, that we wonder whether this is not the case. A commitment to working and thinking about word problems is needed for teachers and their students. (p. 392) Table 2.1 shows the scale scores of NAEP on mathematics obtained by U.S. students in grades 4, 8, and 12, on a 0 to 500 scale, from 1990 to 2007. Table 2.2 s hows the percent of different types of word problems correctly answered by the students in grades 8 and 12. According to Braswell et al. (2001), the achievement levels of 249, 299, and 336 are considered proficient levels for fourth-, eighth-, and 12th-grade students, respectively. Table 2.1 indicates very small improvements in the NAEP test scores for fourth-grade and eighth-grade students over the span of 17 years (1990 to 2007). However, these scores are below the suggested proficiency levels. It may be noted from Tables 2.1 and 2.2 that improvement, either in overall performance or in word problem solving skills for all participating U.S. students, is trivial. Also the scores that hover around 230 for grade 4, 275 for grade 8, and 300 for grade 12 on a 0 to 500 scale are too low. Of particular concern is an average of only 4% correctly answered questions for the years 1990 to 2000 (Table 2.2) by U.S. grade 12 students on volume and surface area related problems. International as sessments such as the FIMS in 1965, the SIMS in 1982, the PISA in 2003 and 2007, and the TIMSS in 1995 and 2003 further attested U.S. students poor problem solving skills and highlighted their low mathematical achievement in comparison to students from other participating countries. The FIMS and SIMS conducted mathematics assessment of 13year-old students and high school seniors (National Council of Educational Statistics, 1992). According to the NCTM (2004), the PISA measures the numerical skills and problem solving aptitude of 15-year-old students on a scale of 0 to 500whereas the TIMSS measures fourth and eighth grade students ability on concepts on a scale of 0 to 1000. The NCTM also reported that the NAEP, TIMSS, and PISA, which are low-stakes tests, generate group performance results of students. High-stakes tests, like New Jerseys HSPA or other state mandated tests, as well as the SAT and ACT, focus on the performance of individual students. Of the three assessments, NAEP, TI MSS, and PISA, TIMSS and NAEP have the most in common in terms of mathematical concepts and cognitive necessity (NCTM). The findings from the mathematics results of the PISA of 2000 and 2003 reported by Lemke et al. (2004) indicated that U. S. performance in algebra and geometry was lower than two-third of the participating OECD countries. Even the top 10% of the participants in the U.S. were outperformed by more than half of their OECD counterparts in solving problems. The then U.S. Education Secretary emphasized the need to reform high schools on top priority basis (U.S. Department of Education, 2005). The latest PISA (2007) results indicated that the mathematical accomplishment of U.S students is lower than the international average. According to TIMSS (2003), U.S. students of fourth and eighth grades scored on average 518 and 504, respectively in mathematics. These scores were higher than the average score of 495 of the fourth-grade students in the 25 participating countries and the average score of 466 of the eighth-grade students in the 45 participating countries. However, these scores were lower than the 4 Asian countries and 7 European countries for fourth grade and lower than the 5 Asian countries and 4 European countries for eighth grade. Although the average score of U.S. eighth-grade students improved by only 12 points from 492 in 1995 to 504 in 2003, there was no change reported by TIMSS in their score from 1999 to 2003. Overall, these scores on a scale from 0 to 1000 indicate that students in grades four and eight in the U.S. only achieved about 50% mastery of the concepts tested. National (NAEP, 2007) and international (FIMS, 1965; SIMS, 1982; TIMSS, 1995, 1999, 2003) assessments indicate that student achievement in mathematics remains a major educational concern. Those assessments use multiple choice, short-response, and open-ended word problems which are similar to those on the New Jersey HSPA, SAT, and ACT. Since students mathematical skills are measured using one or more of the above assessments, learning to solve word problems must be considered a major goal of mathematics education and a major component of assessing student achievement in mathematics. Further, learning to solve word problems related to real-life situations using mathematical concepts also helps students to be successful at work and in their lives. Geometry as a Cornerstone of Mathematics-History of Problem Solving and Geometry In ancient India, the rudiments of Geometry, called Rekha-Ganita, were formulated and applied to solve architectural problems for building temple motifs (Srivathsa, Narasimhan, Saà ¡Ã ¹Ãâsat 2003, p. 218). The 4000 years old mathematics that emerged in India during The Indus Civilization (2500 BC-1700 BC) proposed for the first time, the ideas of zero, algebra, and finding square and cube roots in Indian Vedic literature (Birodhkar, 1997; OConnor Robertson, 2000; Singh, 2004). The significance of studying geometry is evi dent from the past mathematical records. The book, A History of Mathematics (Suzuki, 2002) provides the mathematical innovations made by the most brilliant mathematicians from ancient times until the 20th century. Some of the mathematical developments presented in this book that are related to problem solving and geometry are discussed next. According to Suzuki (2002), the ancient Egyptians (3000 B.C.) demonstrated their skills in solving word problems by an Egyptian scribe on the mathematical papyri using the concepts of linear and nonlinear equations without any mathematical notations. That is, every problem solved by an Egyptian scribe was a word problem (p. 13). In order to redraw property lines after the yearly flooding of the Nile, the Egyptians developed realistic geometry related geometric figures, but not their abstract properties. Also, their geometry is filled with problems relating to pyramids (p. 16). The Babylonians (1700 B.C.) also routinely solved more complicated an d complex problems à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ entirely verbally (Suzuki, 2002, p. 28) without any system of mathematical notations. Their ways of solving interest relate problems show their advanced mathematical skills. According to Suzuki, the Babylonians also developed methods for calculating the area of triangles, trapezoids and other polygons. Before Pythagoras (580-500 B.C.), the Pythagorean Theorem was well known to the Babylonians (p. 31). The development of pre-Euclidean geometry goes back to the age of Plato (427-347 B.C.). It is said that the entrance plaque to Platos school in Athens read, Let No One Unversed In Geometry Come Under My Roof (Suzuki, 2002, p. 74). According to Suzuki, Plato had probably discovered the word mathematics from the mathema, meaning the three liberal arts, arithmetic, geometry, and astronomy (p. 74). Later, Euclid (300 B.C.), who lived in Alexandria, Egypt, wrote the Elements, a conglomeration of 300 years of Greek geometrical development. The Elements was so important for the next two thousand years of mathematics that Euclidean geometry became an essential part of learning mathematics until it faced the first serious mathematical challenges (p. 86) in the 19th century. The significance of understanding geometry for high school students has been a part of recommendations of the committees on mathematics education in the U.S. since 1894 (Commission on Mathematics, 1959; National Education Association, 1894, National Committee on Mathematical Requirements, 1923; Progressive Education Association (PEA) Committee and the Joint Commission, 1940; The National Committee of Fifteen, 1912). An account of these committees reports may be found in the 1970 yearbook of the NCTM, A History of Mathematics Education in the United States and Canada. A brief of the recommendations of these committees are presented below. The first national group of experts that addressed mathematics education was the subcommittee on mathematics of the Committee of Ten (National Education Association, 1894). They considered the goals and curriculum for mathematics education and recommended preparatory work on algebra and geometry in the upper elementary school curriculum. On demonstrative geometry, the committee stressed on the importance of elegance and finish in geometrical demonstration (p. 25). About demonstrative geometry, the committee further stated, there is no student whom it will not brighten and strengthen intellectually as few other exercises can (p. 116). This suggests all mathematics teachers engage their students in using the geometric concepts to visualize their surroundings and to geometrically demonstrate what they visualize. The final report of The National Committee of Fifteen on the Geometry Syllabus (National Education Association, 1912) recommended using realistic approaches to exercises in mathematics instruction. Eleven years later, its final report, The Reorganization of Mathematics in Secondary Education (The National C ommittee on Mathematical Requirements, 1923) also stressed the importance of the studying geometry. The commission advocated that the course of study in mathematics during the seventh, eighth, and ninth years contain the fundamental notions of arithmetic, of algebra, of intuitive geometry, of numerical trigonometry, and at least an introduction to demonstrative geometry (p. 1). One of the practical aims of this ecommendation was to encourage familiarity with geometric forms common in nature and life, as well as the elementary properties and relations of these forms, including their measurement, the development of space-perception, and the exercise of spatial imagination.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Types of Learning Disabilities Essay -- essays papers
Types of Learning Disabilities There are many types of learning disabilities that can hinder a childââ¬â¢s scholastic performance. These include: dyscalculia; dysgraphia; dysphasia; auditory, memory, and processing disability; and dyslexia. Dyslexia is when a person has difficulty translating language to thought or thought to language. This person would have problems with expressive and/or receptive oral and written language; you would see trouble with reading, spelling, writing, speaking, listening, and mathematics. If someone was trouble with arithmetic or solving problems, you might suspect they have dyscalculia. A person with this disability has much difficulty solving basic math problems. A writing disorder called dysgraphia causes a person to have difficulty forming letters or writing in a defined space. Most of the time their handwriting is illegible. Dyspraxia interferes with a personââ¬â¢s ability to make controlled and/or coordinated physical reaction to a situation; their reactions may be inappropriate to the situation. Auditory, memory, and processing disabilities cause problems with a personââ¬â¢s ability to remember words or sounds. He or she may experience retrieval failure when trying to remember simple words or sounds; this may be because his or her brain failed to understand the language correctly (Brickley). Even though these disabilities hinder a personââ¬â¢s ability to learn at the same speed as his or her peers, a teacher can accommodate the needs of a person with LD. A person with LD is not stupid, he or she just learns differently. Teaching Strategies Most students diagnosed with a learning disability have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). An IEP is a document that had ... Observation.â⬠Learning Disabilities Online. 7 May 2004 . Male, Mary (2003). Technology for Inclusion: Meeting the Special Needs of All Students. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (1993). ââ¬Å"General Information About Learning Disabilities.â⬠NICHCY. New Rochelle, N.Y. City School District. Learning Disability: A Book of Resources for the Classroom Teacher. New Rochelle: The Schools. Thurlow, Martha, and James Ysseldyke (2002). Including Students with Disabilities in Assessments. Washington, D.C.: National Educations Association. Wood, Judy W (2002). Adapting Instruction to Accommodate Students in Inclusive Settings. Upper Saddle River: Merrill.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Adam, a man carries millions of biological processes within him. One of these is the production of sperm cells. Everyday his body produces millions of sperm cells through the process of meiosis. Adamââ¬â¢s sperm cells are produced from a single parent cell through two stages of cell division. From a single parent cell, four haploid daughter cells are produced which contains half the chromosome of the parent cell. Adam feels nothing of these things going on in her testes.Eve, a woman, also carries millions of biological processes within her. One of these is the production of egg cells in her ovary. She produces a certain number of egg cells through the process of meiosis. Eve feels the presence of egg cells and changes her body temperature in response. Eveââ¬â¢s egg cell also comes from a single parent cell through two stages of cell division. She follows a cycle of egg production in an average of 30 days. Her ovary produces egg cells until the egg cells become ripe. When fertil ization does not occur, the egg cells are thrown away by Eveââ¬â¢s body as a form of monthly periodic discharge. Meiosis then produces another set of egg cells for the next cycle.When Adamââ¬â¢s sperm cell and Eveââ¬â¢s egg cell meet, a process known as fertilization occurs. The half chromosome carried by each, combine to form full fertilized egg with a complete chromosomes. Cells from the fertilized egg grow more cells through another form of cell division called mitosis. This growing fertilized egg from the combined chromosome of Adam and Eve then produces a new human being.References:Access Excellence: The National Health Museum Resource Center. Meiosis. Retrieved December 3, 2006 from à
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Political Establishment in Germany Succeeded in Maintaining
The political establishment in Germany succeeded in maintaining the political status quo through a policy of moderate reform. How far do you agree? The junkers succeeded in keeping the existing political system the same through moderate reform, to what extent? When assessing whether maintaining the status quo in Germany was down to the effective use of moderate reform, we should also assess the effects of force maintaining status quo. Some would argue that it was indeed the use of moderate reform using Bulowââ¬â¢s reforms such as the tariff law and sickness insurance.However others would argue that it was the use of force, using ideas such as the Herero uprising. Some people may also use the policy introduced the Bulow called the Flottenpolitik. Furthermore; we should consider the economical and social factors which could have influenced this. The view that the policy of moderate reform succeeded in maintaining the political status quo; could be argued against by the fact that; Bu lowââ¬â¢s strengths and interests lay firstly in foreign powers but he also implemented some reforms such as the tariff law in December 1902.This restored a higher duty on imported agricultural products which had a knock on effect on food prices which ended up rising. This helped maintain status quo because this would have made the public angrier henceforth could have made people rebel against the Junkers. Adding to this point; others could argue against moderate reform being the main cause of maintaining status quo on the basis that it was down to the use of force.To do this they could refer to the Herero uprising this makes clear the weaknesses of moderate reform maintaining status quo by showing one way that it led to the complete opposite; a rebellion. This uprising and how it was dealt with shows the strength and the forces and led to some members of the more conservative element of leadership of the centre part being cautious about challenging Bulowââ¬â¢s government. Thi s helped maintain status quo.On the other hand; Bulow created sickness insurance in April 1903 which gave ill workers longer and more generous help. This helped maintain status quo because this gave some people more reform which made people a little more happy which lowered the risk of them rebelling against the Junkers. Bethmann was Bulowââ¬â¢s successor as chancellor. He created reforms such as the imperial insurance 1911; this consolidated all previous workersââ¬â¢ insurance. This meant that some workers were now insured against sickness, old age and death.This also helped maintain status quo through moderate reform. Law such as the Sammlungpolitik also helped to maintain status quo; this law had the aim of trying to init people for the right wing leadership and take support away from the socialists. This was introduced by Bulow and he created a strategy called weltpolitik to achieve this take over the world using an army to unit people under the right wing leadership and a gainst the socialists which would help maintain the same political system and status quo.On the contrary to the above point others could argue that social or economical factors could have influenced this; for example workers wages were increasing (this made them the most urbanised state in Europe). This led to maintaining status quo because of something called the knife and fork question, this status that states that during periods of economical depression support for groups such as the socialists increase. This would be dangerous for the Junkers as they are left wing and conservatives (Junkers) are right wing.To conclude, the idea that the political establishment in Germany succeeded in maintaining the political status quo through a moderate policy of reforms can be supported using facts like how some of the reforms put forward by Bulow were successful at maintaining the same system and keeping people happy. However it can be argued against using facts like how some of the reforms put forward by Bulow and Bethmann were not successful and could be argued they did the opposite.When weighing these facts up its important to asses each of their impacts they made for example the unsuccessful reforms could be seen as having a bad impact of making the workers n happy with the system and lead to people rebelling this can be shown through the Herero uprising. The judgement I have reached is that. It wasnââ¬â¢t only down to moderate reform because other factors like force and also helped maintain status quo, due to the fact these factors could be seen as taking support away from the socialists which were the right wing leaderââ¬â¢s main rival, therefore helping maintain the status quo.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Soldiers Moral
War is something that no one wants much less experience what itââ¬â¢s like to be on the front line away from family and friends. These are one of the many problems the military have to deal with when soldiers have to be away from home for an extended period of time. To help soldiers deal with the pressures of been away from home the military have constructed two programs that tend to the recreational needs of all civilians and military employed. They are the United Service Organization (USO) and Moral, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR). The USO is a nonprofit origination that is not part the U.S. government but is endorse by the President of the United States and the Department of Defense. The USO rely the donations from soldiers, the public and sponsors to found events and entertainment for soldiers. In support of Operation Iraqi Freedom the USO have been in full support of soldiers who returning from Iraq on R&R leave and redeploying. For soldiers on R&R leave they provide free computers with internet access, refreshments, snacks and any to make the journey back home as comfortable as possible. They also provide 24 hour satellite television, dozens of free movies to borrow, board games and video games, a large selection of books for those who enjoy reading , and free hygiene products that are donated. The MWR as provided phones and computers with web cams to keep in contact with loved ones, playstations and games to use, books, satellite television so sporting events and world news can be viewed 24 hours. In addition to help boost moral, state of the art gym facilities with the best equipment to use, volleyball courts, basketball courts, yoga classes and step aerobic classes are given by service members in their spear time and concerts are organized for celebrities to perform.... Free Essays on Soldiers' Moral Free Essays on Soldiers' Moral War is something that no one wants much less experience what itââ¬â¢s like to be on the front line away from family and friends. These are one of the many problems the military have to deal with when soldiers have to be away from home for an extended period of time. To help soldiers deal with the pressures of been away from home the military have constructed two programs that tend to the recreational needs of all civilians and military employed. They are the United Service Organization (USO) and Moral, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR). The USO is a nonprofit origination that is not part the U.S. government but is endorse by the President of the United States and the Department of Defense. The USO rely the donations from soldiers, the public and sponsors to found events and entertainment for soldiers. In support of Operation Iraqi Freedom the USO have been in full support of soldiers who returning from Iraq on R&R leave and redeploying. For soldiers on R&R leave they provide free computers with internet access, refreshments, snacks and any to make the journey back home as comfortable as possible. They also provide 24 hour satellite television, dozens of free movies to borrow, board games and video games, a large selection of books for those who enjoy reading , and free hygiene products that are donated. The MWR as provided phones and computers with web cams to keep in contact with loved ones, playstations and games to use, books, satellite television so sporting events and world news can be viewed 24 hours. In addition to help boost moral, state of the art gym facilities with the best equipment to use, volleyball courts, basketball courts, yoga classes and step aerobic classes are given by service members in their spear time and concerts are organized for celebrities to perform....
Sunday, October 20, 2019
German review of Benjamin Barber essays
German review of Benjamin Barber essays Im Buch von Benjaim Barber, Jihad versus McWorld er hat uns vorgemacht, die Welt hat sich zu zwei eigenen Lager entwickeln. Jeder sind diametral entgegensetzt von am Ende den Kaqlt Kreig bis huete. Jihad ist eine grundlegende Musterbeispiel von militanten Glaubenseiferer. Gruppen mchten eine ethnische Wiederentdeckung und sind gegen das Konsumdenken. McWorld identifizieren sich mit die Konsumdeknen und sind kennenzeichenen bei die Kommerzialisierung und homogenisiseren von der kulture Identitt. Darber hat McWorld eine starke Erhhung dem Freizeitpark. Barber hat gesagt, daß McWorld stellte sich heraus, weil so eine Verschlechterung von die Wirtschaft von dem West. Die Transverstaatlichung hat von die Gesellschafts wie die Geburt von die international Herstellung, Hat im Amerika gemacht, bedeutet nichts. Von der Schaffung auf einer Gesellschaft, es heißt Globalbrger schwankt die Wirtschafts Machte von die harte Waren zu weich. Von die weiche Waren zu dem Dienstwaren. Barber glaubt das der Trend auf ein mehre virtuelle Realitt zu, wo nie mal sind die Brgeren von eine Nation aber nur die Angehrigen unhd im McWorld jemandem ein Konsumer sind. Die Barber McWorld Theorie ist uber wie die Demokratie verschwinden. Weil McWorld und Jihad sich dem Einfluß verschaffen im unser Welt, die Fhigkeit von Leute zu wahlen deine Bastimmung zurckgehen. Der Trend von die Nationstaat identitt zu verschwinderen im die Leere des Cyberspace ist ein Muster wie Barber erklrt die Explosion auf Konsumdenken und die verstarkerung von McWorl What is the Prevailing Trend in the Post Cold War World? Benjamin R. Barber, Jihad versus McWorld (New York: Vintage, 1996) Zeite 3-151. ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Anthropogenic and natural factor associated with high GHGs concentration in the atmosphere
Anthropogenic and natural factor associated with high GHGs concentration in the atmosphere In the Atmosphere, there are many chemical compounds that are described as greenhouse gases due to their characteristics. These gases allow solar radiation (shortwave radiation) to penetrate freely through the Earthââ¬â¢s atmosphere thereby heating the land surface and oceans. When the earthââ¬â¢s surface is heated and warms up, it releases the heat in the form of infrared light (longwave radiation), invisible to human eyes. Some of the infrared light released by the Earth passes through the atmosphere back into space. However, greenhouse gases will not let all the infrared light pass through the atmosphere. They absorb some and radiate it back down to the Earth. This phenomenon, called the greenhouse effect, is naturally occurring and helps to regulate and maintain the warmth of the earthââ¬â¢s surface. It is vital to our survival on Earth. Without the greenhouse effect, the Earthââ¬â¢s average surface temperature would be about 15à ° Celsius cooler, and life would be u nbearable. Human activities, however, have contributed greatly to an increase in the number of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Emissions started to rise dramatically in the 1800s due to the Industrial Revolution and changes in land use. Although greenhouse-gas-emitting activities are essential to the world economy and a fundamental part of modern life, they have majorly contributed to climate change and the increase in the average global temperatures. Anthropogenic Factors Contributing to High GHGs Human activities result in emissions of four principal greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and the halocarbons (a group of gases containing fluorine, chlorine, and bromine). These gases accumulate in the atmosphere, causing concentrations to increase with time. Significant increases in these gases have occurred in the industrial era and the increase is attributable to human activities; The following are some of the contributors of increased Greenhouse Gases in the atmosphere from anthropogenic activities; Agricultural Activities The increase in Methane concentration is attributable to human activities in agriculture, natural gas distribution, and landfills. In agriculture, it is estimated that Rice cultivation releases methane roughly one-fifth to one-quarter of global methane emissions from human activities. Accounting for over 90 percent of all rice production, wetland rice is grown in fields that are flooded or irrigated for much of the growing season. Bacteria and other micro-organisms in the soil of the flooded rice paddy decompose organic matter and produce methane. Domesticated animals especially cattle emit methane. Methane is produced by cattle, dairy cows, buffalo, goats, sheep, camels, pigs, and horses. Most livestock-related methane emissions are produced by enteric fermentation of food by bacteria and other microbes in the animals digestive tracts; another source is the decomposition of animal manure. Livestock account for about one-quarter of the methane emissions from human activities, which total to about 100 million tonnes annually. Carbon Emissions Carbon dioxide has increased from fossil fuel use in transportation, building heating and cooling and the manufacture of cement and other goods. Deforestation releases CO2 and reduces its uptake by plants. Carbon dioxide is also released in natural processes such as the decay of plant matter. Carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels is the largest single source of greenhouse gas emissions from anthropogenic activities. Most emissions associated with energy use result from the combustion of fossil fuels. Oil, natural gas, and coal (which emits the most carbon per unit of energy supplied) furnish most of the energy used to produce electricity, factories, in-vehicle engines and houses heating. If fuel is burned completely, the only by-product containing carbon would be carbon dioxide. But combustion is often incomplete, so carbon monoxide and other hydrocarbons are also produced. The supply and use of fossil fuels account for about three-quarters of human carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, one-fifth of the methane (CH4), and a significant quantity of nitrous oxide (N2O). It also produces nitrogen oxides (NOx), hydrocarbons (HC), and carbon monoxide (CO), which, though not greenhouse g ases themselves, influence chemical cycles in the atmosphere that create or destroy other greenhouse gases, such as tropospheric ozone. Nitrous Oxides emissions Nitrous oxide and other nitrogen oxides are produced because fuel combustion causes nitrogen in the fuel or air to combine with oxygen in the air. Nitrous oxide is also emitted by human activities such as the use of fertilizer which increases nitrous oxide emissions. The nitrogen contained in many fertilizers enhances the natural processes of nitrification and denitrification carried out by bacteria and other microbes in the soil. Human Induced Ozone Ozone is a greenhouse gas that is continually produced and destroyed in the atmosphere by chemical reactions. In the troposphere, human activities have increased ozone through the release of gases such as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxide, which chemically react to produce ozone. As mentioned above, halocarbons released by human activities destroy ozone in the stratosphere and have caused the ozone hole over Antarctica. Halocarbon gas concentrations have increased primarily due to human activities. Principal halocarbons include the chlorofluorocarbons (e.g., CFC-11 and CFC-12), used extensively as refrigerants and in other industrial processes.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Websites Evaluation Exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Websites Evaluation Exercise - Essay Example At the same time, these web developers who charge very low fees are often in experienced. As a result, they develop the website very poorly resulting in an inefficient website. For example, in some websites when one clicks on hyperlinks they often give a 405 error. This is often as a result of a poorly developed website which has a hyperlink, but the page designated for the hyperlink either does not exist or its development had a lot of errors, (Linde &Stock 2011). Another reason why many websites are in effective is the fact that their development had no goal in particular. A good example is when companies want their names to appear on search engines such as Google, (Linde &Stock 2011). When such websites are put up they contain minimal information and normally do not have valid hyperlink or any hyperlinks at all. These websites are more of posters than websites, (Linde &Stock 2011). The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has a website, which can be accessed through the URL: The website has used a lot of graphics which capture the usersââ¬â¢ eye. By using these graphics without reading anything else, one is able to come to a conclusion what the website is about. The website meets the characteristics of a good website. For example, all the hyperlinks when clicked take the user to the specified web page. The website has a professional impression and it is designed accurately, which helps the user navigate easily through the site. The website is authentic and objective as it provides various links to other site where users can gather information. It is credible as is written by a government institution which means the information is collected from reliable sources. The site also meets the characteristics of a good website in that it provides relevant and enough information. For example, the site list all known recent out brakes, and even goes further to
CASE 2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
CASE 2 - Coursework Example Common stocks are also investment made by stockholders and is recorded as par value. Retained earnings are the portion that a company keeps once dividends are paid to the preferred stockholders. Large corporations hold a considerable amount of retained earnings. Capital surplus defines values created from stocks issued at a premium over par value. Other stockholder equity shows cumulative gains or losses that cannot be recorded on the income statement (ââ¬Å"Financial Statementsâ⬠, n.d.). The concept outstanding share is contributed to common stocks. They are owned by public as well as by the company employees. A company calculates its market capitalization by multiplying outstanding shares by their current market price. From this perspective, companies do not have outstanding preferred stock shares. Preferred stocks have characteristics of common stock and a bond. They are traded separately from common stock at a different price. Like a bond, preferred stock has fixed rate payment. These stocks do not have voting right. Treasury shares are that share that once were outstanding shares, but later bought back by the company and decommissioned; they do not have voting rights and cannot claim dividend. Treasury share are created to boost up earning per share (EPS). This assignment uses Whole Foods Market from NASDAQ and General Electric Company from NYSE. Both companies report treasury shares but do not disclose the reason. Basic earnings per share (BEPS) implies the amount of a companyââ¬â¢s profit that can be allocated to one stock. It is calculated using the formula, BEPS = (Net Income ââ¬â Preferred dividends) / Weighted average number of common stock. Diluted EPS (DEPS) is calculated in those cases if a company possesses dilutive securities that can be converted into common stock. It is calculated using the formula, DEPS = {(Net income-Preferred dividend)/ Weighted average number of common stock ââ¬â impact of convertible
Analyze two poems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Analyze two poems - Essay Example Poems have particular structures and require the appropriate utilization of language in order to depict the feelings of the poet but still maintain the basic poetic nature. Such features do not change and has not changed through time since the earliest poets such John Donne employed them in their poems and so are the modern day poets as discussed in the essay below. Poems tell stories by addressing specific features of the society. They do these by analyzing the social occurrences in the form of thematic issues, which the poets analyze poetically and represent in their works while maintaining the relativity of thought and feelings enjoyed by artists. John Donne did this in his two works in which he portrays several thematic issues. In The Legacy, the poet discussed the gravity of separation, relationships break, and families separate for different reasons. Such separations are always sad and emotion. The pot discusses this using several social factors which he feels best describe the feelings people have whoever separated by their loved ones (Donne 31). Among the social factors, he sues in discussing the importance and gravity of separation is death. Death is a social phenomenon that has been in the society since time immemorial. Humans feel pain whenever they lose their loved ones to death. John Donne thus compares the pain his separation creates to that of his death (Carey 54). He does the same with The Flea in which he discusses sexual sin. Sex just as death in the Legacy has been a part of humanity since time immemorial. People attach immense importance to sexual relations and so does John Donne in the poem. The persona in the poem tries to convince a woman to sleep with him and in doing so; the persona explains his belief in relation to sexual intercourse. He for example explains that during the intercourse their blood would mingle thus making them one. In composing the poem, the author discusses several social and physical phenomena that help describe the nature of his society. One of such is Christianity, religion. By personifying the flea, the poet represents the trinity a basis of the Christianity. He uses the flea and its blood sucking nature to portray the mingling of human blood during sexual intercourse. Poems have natural features that help them qualify as such. As a renowned poet, John Donne portrays immense understanding of the structure and features of poetry thus employ them effectively. Among the important features of poetry and poems is the need for rhythm. Rhythm refers to the specific sound patterns that poems have thus making their recital easier. The poet employs different poetic elements in establishing rhythm in his poems. Among the most evident elements, he uses are rhymes and the use of chorus among many others. Rhymes are an essential aspect of poems that help develop the rhythm thus making recital of poems easier. The poetic element refers to the use of words with similar sound patterns in the lines of a stan za. The words placed at the end of the lines should have similar sound patterns during pronunciation thus helping recite the poems as they lead the audience from a line to the next. Rhymes thus have patterns and The Flea has one definite rhyme patterns throughout the entire poem. The first two lines end in a similarly sounding word as so are the second two lines as the poem progresses. Such a pattern is known as the aa, bb, cc, dd, ee. The poet creates the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Evidence based practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3
Evidence based practice - Essay Example A careful review of the available literature exposes some of the difficulties discovered in finding an answer to this question. Intake of omega n-3 (VLCn3 PUFAs) could be associated to construction and functional development of cognitive, sensory, perceptual, and motor neural systems. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega n-3, is crucial for the growth and functional development of the brain in infants. DHA is also required for preservation of the normal brain function in adults. The addition of rich DHA in the diet can improve the individualââ¬â¢s learning capability, while insufficient DHA is linked with insufficiency in learning. DHA is drawn into the brain in preference to other fatty acids and the speed at which DHA is assimilated in the brain is exceptionally fast, therefore requiring constant replenishment. In addition, the visual perception of healthy, full-term, formula-fed infants is amplified when their formula contains DHA. Throughout the last 50 years, infants have been given formula diets that are deficient in DHA and other omega-3 fatty acids. DHA deficiencies are associated with foetal alco hol syndrome, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria, unipolar depression, aggressive hostility, and adrenoleukodystrophy. Low levels of DHA in the brain are connected with cognitive decline during aging and with onset of sporadic Alzheimer disease (Martinez 1996). Reports have been generated over the last few years, regarding supplements of omega n-3 fish oil, and the effects that it may have on children of school age to improve their behaviour, mental capacity and studying performance amid concerns of poor diet amongst the younger generation (Poulter, 2006). This subject has evoked a lot of interest in the media from ministers to health care professionals, parents and school authorities (Poulter 2006). The vast amount of research by the scientific community is still argumentative as to whether chemical pollution
Value chain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Value chain - Essay Example This paper discusses the core competencies of Google and how they provided the company with a competitive advantage in a market that was undefined, undifferentiated and had enormous number of potential competitors. Core Competencies are those capabilities or products of the organization that form the central base of its operations, or on which the organization can add on or build further its products or services (Campbell and Luchs, ). It is that set of capabilities that are central to the organization and that form the inner platform on which it can build the business further. In the case of Google, its core competency is the ââ¬ËInternet Searchââ¬â¢ ability. ââ¬ËInternet Searchââ¬â¢ is not only the basic format for Google on which the multi-billion dollar organization initially started, but, it also forms a core part of its additional business operations like Google AdWords, Google AdSense, Google Applications and other innovative business models that Google has developed overtime. The Internet search capacity is based on accuracy, credibility and speed at which Google is able to deliver its search results ââ¬â and its ability to do so better than its competitors makes it the favourite search engine among the customers and determines the business revenues that it can generate on add business like AdWords, AdSense etc. Distinct Competencies is a related concept to core competency, and it again means a set of distinct capabilities that make the organization differentiated and better at doing things than its competitors. In the case of Google, its distinct competencies that underpin its Search Engine operations are its technology, its highly trained and creative workforce, and its innovative and creative approach to making Internet search quicker and accurate and its commitment to balancing ethics and personal freedom in its online operations. A firm is said to have a competitive if it is able to
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Analyze two poems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Analyze two poems - Essay Example Poems have particular structures and require the appropriate utilization of language in order to depict the feelings of the poet but still maintain the basic poetic nature. Such features do not change and has not changed through time since the earliest poets such John Donne employed them in their poems and so are the modern day poets as discussed in the essay below. Poems tell stories by addressing specific features of the society. They do these by analyzing the social occurrences in the form of thematic issues, which the poets analyze poetically and represent in their works while maintaining the relativity of thought and feelings enjoyed by artists. John Donne did this in his two works in which he portrays several thematic issues. In The Legacy, the poet discussed the gravity of separation, relationships break, and families separate for different reasons. Such separations are always sad and emotion. The pot discusses this using several social factors which he feels best describe the feelings people have whoever separated by their loved ones (Donne 31). Among the social factors, he sues in discussing the importance and gravity of separation is death. Death is a social phenomenon that has been in the society since time immemorial. Humans feel pain whenever they lose their loved ones to death. John Donne thus compares the pain his separation creates to that of his death (Carey 54). He does the same with The Flea in which he discusses sexual sin. Sex just as death in the Legacy has been a part of humanity since time immemorial. People attach immense importance to sexual relations and so does John Donne in the poem. The persona in the poem tries to convince a woman to sleep with him and in doing so; the persona explains his belief in relation to sexual intercourse. He for example explains that during the intercourse their blood would mingle thus making them one. In composing the poem, the author discusses several social and physical phenomena that help describe the nature of his society. One of such is Christianity, religion. By personifying the flea, the poet represents the trinity a basis of the Christianity. He uses the flea and its blood sucking nature to portray the mingling of human blood during sexual intercourse. Poems have natural features that help them qualify as such. As a renowned poet, John Donne portrays immense understanding of the structure and features of poetry thus employ them effectively. Among the important features of poetry and poems is the need for rhythm. Rhythm refers to the specific sound patterns that poems have thus making their recital easier. The poet employs different poetic elements in establishing rhythm in his poems. Among the most evident elements, he uses are rhymes and the use of chorus among many others. Rhymes are an essential aspect of poems that help develop the rhythm thus making recital of poems easier. The poetic element refers to the use of words with similar sound patterns in the lines of a stan za. The words placed at the end of the lines should have similar sound patterns during pronunciation thus helping recite the poems as they lead the audience from a line to the next. Rhymes thus have patterns and The Flea has one definite rhyme patterns throughout the entire poem. The first two lines end in a similarly sounding word as so are the second two lines as the poem progresses. Such a pattern is known as the aa, bb, cc, dd, ee. The poet creates the
Value chain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Value chain - Essay Example This paper discusses the core competencies of Google and how they provided the company with a competitive advantage in a market that was undefined, undifferentiated and had enormous number of potential competitors. Core Competencies are those capabilities or products of the organization that form the central base of its operations, or on which the organization can add on or build further its products or services (Campbell and Luchs, ). It is that set of capabilities that are central to the organization and that form the inner platform on which it can build the business further. In the case of Google, its core competency is the ââ¬ËInternet Searchââ¬â¢ ability. ââ¬ËInternet Searchââ¬â¢ is not only the basic format for Google on which the multi-billion dollar organization initially started, but, it also forms a core part of its additional business operations like Google AdWords, Google AdSense, Google Applications and other innovative business models that Google has developed overtime. The Internet search capacity is based on accuracy, credibility and speed at which Google is able to deliver its search results ââ¬â and its ability to do so better than its competitors makes it the favourite search engine among the customers and determines the business revenues that it can generate on add business like AdWords, AdSense etc. Distinct Competencies is a related concept to core competency, and it again means a set of distinct capabilities that make the organization differentiated and better at doing things than its competitors. In the case of Google, its distinct competencies that underpin its Search Engine operations are its technology, its highly trained and creative workforce, and its innovative and creative approach to making Internet search quicker and accurate and its commitment to balancing ethics and personal freedom in its online operations. A firm is said to have a competitive if it is able to
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Seattle Times Essay Example for Free
The Seattle Times Essay In one of the letters sent to the editor of The Seattle Times, one sender wrote ââ¬Å"when someone uses binoculars to spy into his or her neighborââ¬â¢s home, it is the same as crawling through the grass to peer into a windowâ⬠as a reaction to the story about women blocking their windows with newspapers so as to keep peering neighbors out (Letters to the Editor: Creepy Couple Should Leave Neighbors Alone). The reaction of the letter-writer is guilty of the fallacy of ââ¬Å"false analogyâ⬠wherein spying through binoculars is treated analogously with crawling in the grass in order to peer into a window. It is not valid to treat the use of binoculars for spying and peering into the windows after crawling in the grass as the same simply because these two things are entirely different. Peering into the neighborââ¬â¢s window is far graver because the person behind the act is guilty of trespassing whereas spying through binoculars does not necessarily imply trespassing. In John McCainââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Strategy for Victory in Iraq,â⬠the post states that McCain ââ¬Å"supported sending reinforcements to Iraq to implement a counterinsurgency strategyâ⬠at a ââ¬Å"critical momentâ⬠when violence was at its peak ââ¬Å"after four years of badly conceived military strategy. â⬠The post then claims that the strategy ââ¬Å"paid-offâ⬠in March of 2008 as violence considerably decreased. The post goes on to attack McCainââ¬â¢s presidential rival, Barack Obama, by saying that such ââ¬Å"gains would be lostâ⬠if the policy of Obama of ââ¬Å"withdrawing most of our troopsâ⬠and leaving behind only a ââ¬Å"small strike forceâ⬠is implemented. The reason being argued to that claim is that Obamaââ¬â¢s policy is the same strategy that failed in 2006 (Strategy for Victory in Iraq). Such line of reasoning is guilty of the fallacy of ââ¬Å"questionable causeâ⬠or of ââ¬Å"confusing cause and effect. â⬠The fact that the decrease in violence in Iraq came after the counterinsurgency strategy suggested by McCain after 2006 does not necessarily mean that his strategy is ultimately the cause of the decline in violence. Moreover, even if it be granted that McCainââ¬â¢s strategy in the past did succeed and has been the primary reason behind the decline in Iraqi unrest, it is not necessarily true in all cases in all times. Conversely, the withdrawal of troops in Iraq does not necessarily mean that a rise in violence will certainly follow just because of a precedent which does not even clearly establish a firm connection between McCainââ¬â¢s strategies and the decline in Iraqi violence. In one of the blogs in the Los Angeles Times, Michael McGough makes the observation that ââ¬Å"a majority of Americans would be willing to vote for a gay or lesbian candidateâ⬠because a recent poll indicates so. The statement is guilty of hasty generalization and appeal to popularity precisely because the author makes the poll as the basis of the general claim that a majority of Americans are willing to elect either a gay or a lesbian politician. Just because a poll with a few thousand of individuals as samples indicates that there are more Americans willing to elect a gay or a lesbian individual than those who do not favor that as far as the size of the sample is concerned does not necessarily hold true for the rest of the America populationââ¬âa population millions more than the sample size of the poll. Further, just because the proposition is popular for a few thousands does not necessarily mean that it holds true for the majority of the larger American population. Lastly, many advertisements are guilty of the fallacy of ââ¬Å"wishful thinkingâ⬠since a number of these advertisements portray before the public the image of, say, the physique they should have and that, once buying the product being endorsed, the viewing public will have the same physique and image as the ones endorsing the product. For example, Nike has been advertising their products through the years with the use of athletes as product endorsers. In television advertisements, athlete-endorsers are shown wearing Nike products while performing in their sport. It is as if the viewers are being told that they can be like the athletes if they wear Nike sports products. References Letters to the Editor: Creepy Couple Should Leave Neighbors Alone. (2008). Retrieved August 27, 2008, from http://seattletimes. html McGough, M. (2008). The Cleaverization of Michelle Obama. Retrieved August 27, 2008, from http://opinion. latimes. com/opinionla/2008/08/the-cleaverizat. html Nike Advertising. (2004). Retrieved August 27, 2008, from http://xroads. virginia. edu/~CLASS/am483_97/projects/hincker/ad. html Strategy for Victory in Iraq. (2008). Retrieved August 27, 2008, from http://www. johnmccain. com/Informing/Issues/fdeb03a7-30b0-4ece-8e34-4c7ea83f11d8. htm
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Importance Of Transferable Skills Marketing Essay
The Importance Of Transferable Skills Marketing Essay The transferability of one persons skills can reveal the competencies of this person in performing an especial job which can be utilised in the performance of another job. In nowadays working environment, its a critical task to develop personal transferable skills in order to broaden the career options (McCourt and Eldridge 2003). For example, different people have distinct natural abilities to develop the skills like multiple tasks throughout their lives and thus they are applicable to a variety of working situations. The transferable skills are different from the job-related skills which are only utilised in one particular of work. Most of the employers think that the transferable skills are more important because they would like to expect their staffs to use the skills in more than one job even if the work is irrelevant to their previous educational or working experience (Moorhead 2005). This literature review will focus on the importance, implementations, and outcomes of transferable skills which is analysed in Human Resource aspects. The specific transferable skills differ in different preferences of people. For example, if people like to work with information and data, their specific transferable skills may include budgeting, measuring, analysis, research, or surveying. If people who enjoy working with ideas, their specific transferable skills may include developing, restructuring, painting, planning, or problem solving (Block and Betrus 2003). Definition The transferability of skills is defined as the specific capacities which allow the people to achieve in a spacious range of different jobs and tasks (Assiter 1995). It will become an advantage of competitiveness for the people because the transferable skills essence of marketable and tangible can provide the quality value for many organisations (Brown and Lent 2005). Transferable skills can be measured, such as the language or information skills, as well as self-motivation and initiative attribute which are able to be used in the workplace (Foster 1998). This kind of skills tends to be learned by trying to anticipate potential environments of application so that they can be transferred easily. The process is mostly set up the bridges between knowledge levels and capabilities whereby increases transferability (Hakkarainen et al. 2004). An inventory of transferable skills categorises into forty basic skills, such as the basic skill of communication can be separated into the specific skills of questioning, interviewing, listening, and writing. Most of these skills are developed naturally from all aspects of peoples life, and then they can transfer them to their jobs (Lock 2005). According to those definitions of transferable skills, they are all indicating that it can be implemented as any roles in different industries because the skills come from the life upon the basic skills. This can help the people to identify the different personal skills that they have utilised in their living and working environment. However, the critical issue is that people have to comprehend the transition between the basic skills and transferable skills so that they can improve their personal development through the transferability of various jobs. Reason for Transferability of Skills The importance of transferable skills Being a high extent of competitive society, its a crucial task for people to enhance their own forces and thus they are enabled to handle the challenges in different working situations. Hence, the transferable skills can be one of the most effective competencies to those who are new graduates or returning to the working places (NJIT 2010). Its a critical factor that people have to identify their transferable skills from the experiences of the jobs since the title of job never disclosed all the details of the actual work and the formal job description is often different from the facts. This is the reason that its important to anatomise each previous and current job to observe varied skills used on the jobs. After identify the personal transferable skills, it can help to discover the most suitable position in peoples career depends on demonstrating at the work place. It can be also apply to the interviews to show the skills and talents to the employers. Besides that, the transferable skills can be developed from the basic skills of the daily life, such as the language, writing, communication, organising, and self management skills. These basic skills can not be neglected because they will become the accelerant for transferable skills due to the steady foundation (Aswathappa 2005). Once the employees have improved their basic skills in their daily lives and moved on to the development of transferable skill, it would bring them higher social and economic returns. Demands of organisation Transferable skills are valuable to most of the employers and organisations. They would like to offer the staffs with flexibility in their career planning so that they can obtain the transferable skills from a variety of activities (Gardner et al. 2009). For instance, after involved in a large trade event, the employees might gain or enhanced the abilities of teamwork, leadership, and effective communication. In addition, many employers are using on-the-job tests to evaluate the degree of multi-task skills so that they can be trained properly to develop the transferable abilities (Mathis and Jackson 2008). The transferable skills of the employees can help to meet the organisational requirements, utilise the services properly, and increase the efficiency (Randhawa 2007). It also tends to a wide range of capacity at same level when the company is recruiting new staffs (Marchington and Wilkinson 2005). It can be discovered from the job requirements of the organisations which prefer their staffs to gain the transferable skills in order to increase its productivity and working effectiveness. Implementations The needs of transferable skills The transferable skills have become an important aspect for the organisations to measure and evaluate their staffs. The employers will discover the potential of the employees to perform in other roles at same level. The performance can help the company to decide that the developmental needs of the employees and the next paces within the company (Bohlander and Snell 2008). The skills are totally based on the work performance rather than entirely on accessibility and knowledge due to the flexible qualifications (Brown and Lent 2005). For example, the needs of the skills will include assertiveness, negotiating, persuading and influencing, indentifying key issues, data analysis, organising work individually, etc. This can occur to the employees that they are able to listen effectively to the details of a project meanwhile expressing the idea immediately in the meetings.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Open Fields :: Descriptive Memories Essays Papers
Open Fields When I think back to the days when I was a child, I think about all of my wonderful childhood memories. Often I wish to go back, back to that point in life when everything seemed simpler. Sometimes I think about it too much, knowing I cannot return. Yet, there is still one place I can count on to bring me back to that state of mind, my grandparents' house. There is something to be said about lying on one's back in an open field hour upon hour, staring up at a vast, blue sky. With no one around and not another house for miles, it is a great place to be alone, to listen. In the country, I can pick up all the wonderful sounds of nature commonly lost amidst the bustle of the city. The wind speaks as it blows across the land, whistling through the trees. Crickets rub their wings in song for anyone to hear. An unseen friend scurries beneath the fallen leaves, as an owl above questions who is there. Heading back towards the house, I soak in all the beauty of the surrounding landscape. There are towering groves of trees, creek beds lined with wildflowers emitting delightful fragrances, and sunsets that astound. Still, I walk cautiously. For all of natureââ¬â¢s beauty, trouble can still take form out here, whether it is running into a slithering snake or stumbling across a prickly thistle. Looking further into the distance, I spot the horses gracefully galloping along, their sleek manes dancing across their powerful bodies. As I pass the pond, I skip a stone across the water and I think about all the "real" stories the pond could tell of the ones that got away. Along side its banks I hear a familiar sound, as the bullfrogs' bellows lead the way for nightfall. The night will bring the cool country air, and with it the thick aroma of the wood-burning stoves. On some evenings, if I am lucky enough, some warm apple-butter jam may even be waiting for me back at the house. Now that I am older, I look for changes. I have grown to expect them. My grandparents will soon be gone, but the memories of the land they live on and I grew up on will always be with me.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
To His Coy Mistress - by Andrew Marvel Essay -- English Literature:
To his coy mistress by Andrew Marvel - review. 'To his coy mistress' was written by Andrew Marvel, his exceeding love for his lover, but with closer analysis it is more intimate and is more persuasive. The poem is persuading his mistress to have sex with him, and have children however; it sounds more like he wants the pleasure, not the children. It was written in the 1600s. The poem can be split into 3 stanzas; the first stanza is romantic and flattering, but also persuasive. The implication of the first stanza she is playing hard to get or shy, and the shyness wouldn't matter if they had more time. He is saying he would love her forever and is trying to be romantic, but persuasive. He mentions 'my vegetable love should grow' which could have many implications, because it could refer to a sexual undertone, his love for her is natural or there is slow growing, so the metaphor is quite effective. In some stanzas of the poem he exaggerates because for example, a person would not just sit and admire another person for 'an hundred years' yet the poem says 'an hundre...
Friday, October 11, 2019
New France
New France was a new world far from home. Today Canada may be a hotspot for immigration, but back in the 17th century it was far from being an ideal land to start a new life. Despite various forms of persuasion and tactics, France had an incredibly difficult time colonizing Canada for many decades primarily due to the idea of emigration and the reluctance revolving around it. The act of leaving oneââ¬â¢s country to settle in a new or foreign one can be quite daunting. The consideration of many points, both good and bad, would need to be taken into account before doing so. Factoring the length of time it takes to travel to a destination by ship, and the various misfortunes entailed with such a trip, one could say that the voyage itself ââ¬Å"could have been a deterrent to migrationâ⬠(Moogk 468). Apart from the physical journey, to ââ¬Å"dislodge people from home and familiar surroundingsâ⬠(Moogk 470), would be enough reason to cause individuals or families to be reluctant to colonize New France. But even with these hardships involved with emigration, the benefits of moving can be quite appealing. At the time of recruitment, parts of France were facing great hardship in the forms of ââ¬Å"hunger and unemploymentâ⬠(Moogk 470). It is no wonder that it was during these times that there were peaks in recruiting engages (indentured workers) for colony work. People were given a means of escape to a new land, and from there start anew. Offerings of ââ¬Å"free land and settlement bountiesâ⬠(Moogk 475), were offered to those willing to become colonists. Some disadvantages of emigration proved to be significant barriers to settlement. With all that said, the decision of emigration is a life changing one even to this day. As mentioned earlier, various barriers hindered the settlement process considerably. The most apparent barrier preventing settlement was to gathering people to go in the first place. People who understood the harshness of leaving home for unknown lands, thought twice about making choices regarding recruitment. The Iroquoisââ¬â¢ ââ¬Å"threat of murderous incursions that had alarmed colonistsâ⬠(Moogk 487), death can be a big deterrent. If getting people to go to Canada was not a big enough issue in the first place, preventing workers from returning home proved to be an even reater feat. Familial issues played a key role in whether or not an engages returned to France or not. The fact that some workers solely left for the sake of work, while family remained back at home, hints towards the hope of return. The indentured workers of France typically went to serve for three full years in order to ââ¬Å"learn all the skills needed for survival in Canadaâ⬠(Moogk 479). Usually this meant that when their service time was completed, they would want to return home to family and did not consider staying in New France to colonize it. A tactic used to keep workers away from returning home and keep them on the new land was ââ¬Å"bringing out entire familiesâ⬠(Moogk 476), so as to fix them in place and remove their reluctance to stay. This is not to say that the workers wanting to return home are always the cause for abandonment. There are cases, in which family from back home would remind workers of their ââ¬Å"duty and material interests demanding their return homeâ⬠(Moogk 484). So even when the worker left with the intention of becoming a colonist, their family ties would creep up on them and relieve them of their colonial dreams. Home sickness could be a big enough reason to want to go home, regardless if a person had friend or family waiting for them. As a response to the excess number of bachelor workers who went to New France to work unwillingly, with the possibility of leaving once done, the ââ¬Å"filles du roiâ⬠emigrated over in hopes of finding ââ¬Å"marriage and, perhaps, a more honorable match than was possible at homeâ⬠(Moogk 482), this reason of starting a family and new life could counteract homesickness. Unfortunately, there was not always an abundance of strong hard workers, and the possibility of ââ¬Å"persons unsuited for work because of their advanced age, infirmities, illnessesâ⬠or they were just ââ¬Å"very weak, of low age, and of little serviceâ⬠(Moogk 480), being recruited would only handicap the progression of settlement. In the end it seems the biggest issue that prevented settlement was the people of France wanting to settle in new lands or not.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Marketing Management- Marketing Plan
This plan is designed to report the external and internal factors that will influence the company's success in Haiti market. The topics covers in this plan include situation analysis, marketing strategy, tactical programs, implementation and budgets in carrying out the marketing activities which differentiate the business and product offering from our competitor and marketing strategy that drive the business to earn above average profit. 3 Company Summary 3. 1 Company Overview Seoul-Roy is a Haiti based restaurant serving Korean cuisine, the name Seoul-Roy is easy to remember and easy to pronounce.Seoul reflects the theme of the restaurant for serving Korean cuisine which is a famous destination in Korea, a megabits with a population of over 10 million and a leading global city in the world. Furthermore, ââ¬Å"ROY' means ââ¬Å"Deliciousâ⬠in southern Thai dialects, to have a name meaning ââ¬Å"Delicious Seoulâ⬠, conveyed the message that the restaurant having very high s tandard food. The restaurant name Seoul-Roy will surely leave an impressive memory in potential customer first impression that will attract the customer to visit the restaurant for the first time.Seoul-Roy will be operating seven days a week inclusive public holiday in operation 365 days throughout the year to ensure that customers have the opportunity to enjoy our delicious whenever they feel like it. Seoul-Roy is a medium size restaurant enhanced with cozy, comfy, friendly, and appetite tempting atmosphere for patrons through its modern contemporary casual dining style to unearth the feeling of refreshing and energize to dinners. The facility will be divided into indoor area for customer that is seeking cool comfy ambient and outdoor area for customer seeking a breath of fresh air.The cafà © will feature seating for approximately 100 patrons, desert bar, water fountain and liquor bar. 3. 2 Location This restaurant is planned to be situated at the empty land on Outthinking Road, n Clonk Rein area which is approximately 500 m from Tests and Prince of Songbook University. With hundred and thousand of local resident, university student and shoppers from other suburb visiting this area on everyday basis, it does instigate this area to be the perfect sites in town.Page | 2 Heretofore, I nonviolent Road Is one AT ten major connector Detente ten roads on the external circuit to the Haiti city which have high traffic concentration. In spite of this, there is ample parking space along the road that makes it handy for by passer to stop for dine in and appear to be a profit potential site. Moreover, the rent in this area is much cheaper comparing to the retail shops in major shopping complex such as Tests, Big C, Lee Garden Plaza and Central. 3. 3 2. Objective The objective to startup Seoul-Roy includes the following: A. B. C. D. E. Become premier food franchise serving fusion of Korean food and Thai Food. Provide highest quality fresh and delicious food. Ensure that e very prospect in promoting ââ¬Å"Seoul-Roy' brand are explore and implement. Maintain and expand every possibility to achieve outstanding reputations. Create an ideal working environment for employee in promoting good communication and great team work. F. Achieving profitable investment return between 4-6 years. G.Achieving total daily customers of 7,000 patrons/month by the end of second year of operation. The objectives of marketing activities include: 0 To introduce Korean Cuisine to Haiti community and Songbook Province area. 0 To attract 50% of the target market and forecast potential customer. 0 To be perceived as the cleanest restaurant in the region. 0 To be perceived as restaurant serve delicious, quality, and tasty Korean cuisine in the region. 3. 4 2. 2 Vision and Mission Seoul-Roy mission is to bring to the market finest, freshest, and tastiest FusionKorean cuisine that is inspired by a combination of Korean and Thai cuisine in the Haiti. In conjunction to Seoul-Roy hig h standards of quality and cleanliness will ascertain Seoul-Roy growth into a reputable premier Korean cuisine in Haiti. The mission of Seoul-Roy includes the following: Page | 3 To bring to the market finest, freshest, and tastiest Korean cuisine. To ensure that all foods are serves to its highest level of freshness, nutrition, and gastronomic. To ensure that all order are serve with efficiency and effectiveness.The value proposition that the target market will pay for this 50% premium price is the superior customer service experience and high quality Korean cuisine. The company will ensure that the restaurant is always has a clear proposition of the claimed benefit for the services and products. In this, the company will always monitor the quality of the food produce to Page | 4 Seoul-Roy marketing Plan ensure mouth watering experience is offered to the customer and consistently advertise on the value proposition of the restaurant through advertising media. Situation Analysis Situ ation analysis involves evaluating the situation and trends in of Korean Cuisine in Haiti City which defines and interprets the state of the environment of the organization. A situation analysis provides the context and knowledge for planning and achieve above average profit for the organization. The analysis describes Seoul- Roy competitive position, internal environment, external environment and critical issues.In portraying a clearer understanding of the situation of Korean Cuisine industry in Haiti, the report further outline SOOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) analysis of the organization. The situation analysis includes in this marketing plan includes: 0 0 0 External Environment Internal Environment SOOT Analysis 5. 1 External Environment The external environment affects firm growth and profitability which also a condition that creates threats and opportunities for firms that have major effects on organization strategic actions.The organization understands of external environment coupling Walt Knowledge on Internal environment Tort Its villous to develop Its mission and to take actions that result in strategic competitiveness and above- average returns. As shown in Figure 1, an organization's external environment is divided into three major areas which include the general, industry environment and competitor environment. The general environment is composed of dimension of broader society that influences an industry.As a result of this, the economic and population growth of Haiti will increase very rapidly. An increase people migrating to Haiti City coupling with vivid economic outlook of the city, it is righteous decision in investing in food business in Haiti City. Economic growth and population growth nutrient to better population income and demand for food as basic needs of life, therefore investing in Seoul-Roy will prove to be a successful investment. 5. 1. 1. 3 Socio-cultural Over the past decade, Korean Wave started to sweep acros s Asia country.The wave started with the popularity of Korean drama, Korean Language, Korean Cuisines and Handbook, the traditional Korean dress. CNN describe this phenomenon as kind of a syndrome where Asian people love to enjoy Korean stuffs. The Korean wave in Thailand got underway back in 2005 with ââ¬Å"Dad]engagedâ⬠, a sop opera about the first female royal physician of Koreans Jones dynasty. The series gave Thailand a taste for traditional Korean culture, including Korean court cuisine and traditional medicine.Inevitably, Korean cuisine became popular and Korean culture started getting attention. As increasing growth of Korean Wave sweeping across Asia region and Thailand in particular, the startup of Korean Cuisine in Haiti which in the fourth densest city in Thailand will prove to be successful investment. 5. 1. 1. 4 laconically The increasing growth of electronic ordering system in the hospitality industry to increase employee efficiency and effectiveness has exerted a technological stress on he new establishing restaurant.Seoul will adopt ââ¬ËGourmet Restaurant Management system standard, optional and hardware modules to manage the smooth flow of restaurant operation, promotion activities, member service and inventory management. The adoption of gourmets will enable Seoul-Roy to manage it cost effectively, carry out promotion activities smoothly and service member efficiently. 5. 1. Competitor Environment Hatchway's Korean Cuisine industry is still emerging, there is only one competitor in the market, Domino located in Diana shopping complex which serve Korean BBC cuisine.Of course there will be minor modification on the taste of the food to suite Thai culture appetite or definition of delicious food. In spite of this there are many competitor in the market if considering Thailand as a whole, this competitor includes: 0 0 0 0 0 Hanging restaurant Sang Goon Restaurant Slang BBC Buffet Drum Restaurant Adored @ Korean Town 5. 1. Industry Envir onment Although there is only one establishment providing the similar service to the market in Haiti, it is important that Seoul-Roy is establish soonest possible to be the market leader in this region before any competitors enter the market.In Haiti city, the Korean Wave Syndrome has Just sweep the communities, It is essential that this company is born in nearby future in ensuring company market competitiveness. 5. 2 Internal Environment Resources, capabilities and core competencies create the foundation of competitive advantage. Resource can be classified into two main categories include tangible and intangible resource, it have to cover spectrum of individual, social and organization to Wylye competitive advantage. Capableness exalts when resources nave Eden purposely integrated to achieve a specific task or set of tasks.Capabilities are often based on developing, carrying, and exchanging information and knowledge through people in an organization. Core competencies are capabilit ies that serve as a source of competitive advantage for an individual or organization over its competitors. 5. 2. 1 Resource Resources consist of two components, one is tangible and the other is intangible. As the company is currently in the preliminary planning stage, the company only have tangible asset of Baht 20,000,000.The intangible asset consists of the knowledge and management capabilities. Furthermore, the company group of people possesses period innovation, interest and passion in the Korean food. Although in the initial establishing stage the company has to hire a professional chef from Korea in designing the menu, Seoul-Roy management personal inclusive the chairman of the company will continuing learn the technique of Korean Cuisine culinary skill in mitigating these threats of skill impotency and dependence on external resource.Page | 9 5. 2. Capabilities Although the company is currently in the preliminary planning stage, the capabilities that the company possesses in clude: 0 Management Information System The many possesses effective and efficient data collection and information management system that will surely increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the company staff.Management The company has the ability to envision the future of Korean Cuisine in Haiti city, background in business management, years of experience in hospitality industry and information technology will be a competitive advantage in managing the company effectively. 5. 3 SOOT Analysts Strength 0 0 0 0 0 0 Seoul-Roy exterior is tidy and clean. Food price are delicious and tasty. Offer a good choice of menu variation. Knowledge in Business Management. Seoul-Roy employs well-trained staff.Financial resource Weakness 0 Seoul-Roy is newly established in the market. 0 Low profit margin. 0 Absence of important skills. 0 Management. Opportunities 0 Growth in Haiti population. 0 Increasing influence of Korean Wave in Thailand. 0 Haiti as centre of economics and tourism in Southern Region. 0 Economy growth of Haiti ensures long-term profitability. Threats 0 Stable of political unrest in Southern region. 0 Decreasing influence of Korean Wave. 0 Economy down-turn of Haiti city.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
A Comparative Study of the Similarities Between The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah and the Traditional Folk Tales
A Comparative Study of the Similarities Between The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah and the Traditional Folk Tales The Nightingale as a mistaken folktale. The Nightingale has many similarities to a traditional folktale story but it also differs in many ways. The similarities and differences are commonly found in the beginning, middle and ending of the story. Some of the similarities are the introduction to the story, the use of three repetitions, helper figures, and the resolution of conflict at the end of the story. It is evident that there are more similarities than differences and The Nightingale could easily be mistaken for a folktale. First of all, the story of The Nightingale starts off by creating a distant setting that happened long ago and makes it known that its an old story. Folktales, that are also known to be old stories, are characterized by the way the author introduces the story such as ââ¬Å"once upon a time, in a far away kingdomâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Another common characteristic of a folktale that The Nightingale has is the plot and the beginning, middle, and end. In The Nightingale the beginning of the story focuses on creating an imaginary landscape, one that is a world of magic and beauty. This story creates an obstacle right from the start where the chamberlain is in search of the nightingale at the emperorââ¬â¢s request. In this part of the story, the conflict fell into the repetition of threeââ¬â¢s, which is another characteristic of a folktale. Here, the chamberlain hears the cow mooing and thinks it is the bird, next he hears the frogs croaking and also thinks it is the bird, finally, he hear s the real nightingale bird. Another similarity between the traditional folktale and this story is that the story includes helper figures. The Nightingale has threeââ¬âthe chamberlain who helps find the nightingale bird for the emperor, the kitchen helper who takes the chamberlain to the forest to find the bird, and the nightingale bird itself, as it sings for the emperor to bring him back to good health. In the middle of the story, there wasnââ¬â¢t a main conflict like a traditional folktale would have. The conflict in the story also followed the sequence of threeââ¬â¢sââ¬âthe search for the bird, the bird that has escaped, and the sick emperor. The action in the story comes quickly such as the time when the emperor became ill. After the climax of the story, the end of the story approaches quickly much like the plot that happens in a folktale. A well-known characteristic of a folktale is that they have heroes who usually resolve the conflict/obstacle near the end of the story, which creates the usual happy ending. In The Nightingale the nightingale bird is recognized as the hero since he is the one who saves the emperorââ¬â¢s life. The bird resolves the conflict in the empire entirely because it suggests informing the emperor in the future about all of the things he did not know, such as who is rich and happy, who is hurt and poor etc. and the bird also volunteers itself to forever be there for the emperor, to sing to him, to keep him happy and in good health. Once the agreement is made between the emperor and the bird, the villain is defeated and the hero is rewarded. This creates the happy ending in the story, which is another characteristic in a folktale. It is evident that The Nightingale has many similarities with the traditional folktale. There are more similarities than differences and The Nightingale can easily be mistaken for a folktale. It has many of the characteristics identified in a folktale such as a villain, a hero, the sequence of threeââ¬â¢s, a beginning that creates an imaginary landscape, a middle that has three different conflicts, and a happy ending where there is a resolution.
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