Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Cellular Evolution Response :: essays research papers

The golgi apparatus and the mitochondria are both eukaryotic bond organelles. The Golgi apparatus is a membrane-bound organelle found near the cell nucleus in eukaryotic cells which is responsible for sorting and packaging proteins for secretion to various destinations in the cell. It is typically comprised of a series of five to eight cup-shaped, membrane-covered sacs called cisternae. Cells may have many cisternae. Vesicles near the golgi are involved in the transfer of material between the golgi and other structures. The mitochondria is a site for cellular respiration. It generates ATP by extracting energy from sugars, fats, and other sources with the presence of oxygen. The mitochondria has two membranes. Both membranes are made of a phosolipid bilayer with embedded proteins, but the (smooth)outer membrane doesn’t have folds, cristae, that the inner membrane has. The inner membrane makes the proteins and enzymes that are used for cellular respiration.The two membranes are separated by a space, called the intermembrane space. The two membranes surround the mitochondrial matriz which contains enzymes, ribosomes and mitochondrial DNA. The mitochondria makes the ATP needed to help the cell function. b) DNA is a double helix and it replicates itself by separating the two strands while each serves as a template for new nucleotides to pair up into two new complementary strands. In prokaryotes, DNA is located all over the cell, but in eukaryotes it is only in the nucleus, and more specifically on their chromosomes. Prokaryotic DNA are located in loops, and does not contain the proteins found in eukaryotic DNA. Prokaryotes DNA has less unhelpful DNA than eukaryotes do, who have about 95% unhelpful DNA. Prokaryotes also have less complex transcriptional regulatory mechanisms than eukaryotes. The cell wall is a rigid layer surrounding a cell that gives it support and protection. It protects the inside of the cell from internal movement while supporting the cell. Animal cells do not have cell walls, instead, they have a semi-permeable plasma membrane. Most prokaryotes have cell walls made of peptidoglycan made from polysaccharide chains cross-linked by peptides. They are semi-rigid and protect the bacteria again possible toxins. Unlike prokaryotes, the cell walls of plant cells are made of cellulose, while the cell walls of fungi are made of chitin.

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